Season 18 | Episode 8 One for the Goomy!

When our heroes take a break on the way to Coumarine City, Team Rocket attacks! Everyone is separated in the chaos, leaving Meowth stranded with Serena and Bonnie (and Ash’s Goomy). While pretending to help, Meowth leads the group straight to Jessie and James! Serena and Pancham step up to take them on, and with the help of Bonnie and Dedenne, they’re victorious. But during the battle, Goomy gets frightened and goes off to hide.

Dedenne follows Goomy’s slimy trail through a rocky tunnel—and discovers the little Dragon-type Pokémon facing off against Team Rocket on the other side! Dedenne immediately leaps into the battle, protecting Goomy until it can no longer stand, and then Goomy finds its courage and stands up for Dedenne. Just when it looks like the two are about to fall into the villains’ clutches, our heroes show up to send Team Rocket blasting off once more. The new friendship between Dedenne and Goomy is cause for celebration, as the journey continues!