Season 17 | Episode 45 The Clumsy Crier Quiets the Chaos!

Team Rocket stalks a Salamence and attaches a device that’s supposed to make it sleep, but something goes wrong and the Salamence runs wild! Meanwhile, our heroes have stopped at a Pokémon Center, where Nurse Joy is overwhelmed by the number of Pokémon arriving for treatment, injured by the very same Salamence. Even worse, her assistant Wigglytuff is new to the job and having some trouble.

Jessie and James, disguised as ambulance drivers, arrive on the scene to catch Pikachu and Wigglytuff. On their way out, they run straight into the Salamence! Nurse Joy steps in to protect her assistant, but Wigglytuff overcomes its fears and walks right up to Salamence, immune to the flurry of Dragon-type attacks. Wigglytuff uses a powerful Heal Pulse, which calms the raging Pokémon and saves the day!

Team Rocket’s device is removed, and a grateful Salamence quickly sends the villains flying. Wigglytuff’s future at the Pokémon Center looks bright, as our heroes say their goodbyes and continue their journey!